Thursday, April 06, 2006

Spring: Putting the Spin Back in Spinster

It's spring and even as the last of winter's snowflakes fall, I'm eagerly anticipating the annual blossoming of the cherry tree in front of my house. This is just one of the little things you live for when you're getting close to 37 and everyone you know is getting married, getting married again, having babies, or having more babies. Cherry blossoms, and going to bed early. And even if I can't sleep, my apartment always feels like the still, small center in a cyclone of frenetic vernal activity, which is, in fact, the massive amount of springtime humping taking place around me at all hours of the day and night. And so I get to thinking...

Is it possible to enumerate what I love most about being on my own, without sounding like I've just choked off a bunch of sour grapes? Highly unlikely, but I believe that time is what's really at stake here. And who couldn't use more of it? Every single day I thank God for blessing my life with abundant time to:

1. Develop more interest in having motivation to be better at my job
2. Enjoy my priceless collection of retired Lladro figurines
3. Consider the perennial (or is that perineal?) question, "what if I'm really gay and I don't know it?"

I suppose there are additional ways I could make the most of my time alone on this earth, but nothing more occurs to me at the moment. Therefore, your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Some pleasures are best savored alone.


Blogger Hogg said...

"Lladro". In Argentina, do they pronounce it "shad-roe"?

12:09 AM  
Blogger laura r. said...

mmm...cherry blossoms & going to bed early=dreamy.
i can help you sell those lladros on ebay, if you want.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Kurt said...

1. You get touched just the way you like it.

2. Bed time is when you say so.

3. No one to witness what you do with the cat.

4. No tell-all autobiographies with you in them.

11:18 AM  

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