Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Thought for today

In the spirit of the much-undervalued minimalist tradition, today’s post is intentionally stripped-down, straightforward, modest, and uncomplicated - and offered entirely in good faith.

Today I take the opportunity simply to provide a prompt and an open forum for discussion, with the hope that this will be enough to provoke the sort of informed, engaged, and un-ironic discourse that is all-too-absent from blogs of late. You know exactly what I mean: those blogs that have come merely to serve as elaborate conduits for meaningless ruminations; going-nowhere virtual flirtations; self-aggrandizing parades of baroque stylistics and obfuscating vocabulary; and the sort of exclusive and dilettantish intellectual play that would have us all become cunning linguists, given the opportunity (and, perhaps in EGIT's case, a back issue of Leg Action).

So, in the timeless words of Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand, "Enough is Enough!"


Thought for today:

Stasis: It’s what adulthood’s all about.
- J.S.M (& Cletus)


Now, please, talk amongst yourselves.


Blogger Kurt said...

Wait - I get what this post is not about, but what's it about again?

12:36 PM  
Blogger Karima said...

Hey, your virtual flirtation with me is not going nowhere...I am just playing hard to get.

1:01 PM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

EGIT - no, any form of discussion on any topic could never be an SPBS, nor a DIP, as far as I'm concerned. These are things that I do. I dare you to one-up me in your meditation on the "thought for today."

Kurt - That, my friend, is up to you. The ball is in your court. It's your play to call. Oops, sorry- these are all sports metaphors. No wonder you don't understand what I mean by "informed discourse." How about this: Try to make this post All About You.

Kairuma - I value all of my "blirtations"; of course, playing hard to get is half the fun of any flirtational relationship. But getting some is the other half.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Karima said...

Lo says "Like Googling (sex) should be saved for the 4th date".

3:35 PM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

Karma, are you saying that the next FHH (at which you'll be present) is going to be the "big night"? If so, I'd better get some fancy new underpants STAT. And don't forget the Manischewitz - you know I can't get into the mood without it.

7:10 PM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

PS: don't tell Kurt.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Karima said...

Unfortunately I will be missing this week's FHH but that will give you plenty of prep time for the next one for the waxings and other pre-date preparations.

10:06 AM  

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