Saturday, February 05, 2005

Date Update: for those who want to know

My date just ended. I have a splitting headache after two quartinos of wine, but it was well worth it (plus, he paid). We got along very well, had fun, and "really seemed to connect." For those of you who may be wondering: Yes, he is Jewish. And English.

***************EDITED FOR PRIVACY/PARANOIA******************

Those of you who know me well know that I need another friend like I need a(nother) hole in the head. Your thoughts, prayers, and donations are appreciated.

FYI, the engraving is of Benjamin Disraeli, another important English Jew that we should all get to know better.


Blogger Kurt said...

I am so happy for you that you found someone you could really connect with in a deep and meaningful way. I myself prefer the French girls.

I took the liberty of directing your date to your blog so he could discover how you feel about him and the extent to which you broadcast it. Hope it helps.

ps: Wanna have a pamphlet war?

11:54 AM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

What's a pamphlet war?

Also re: date: 'makes a good living,' home- and automobile owner, not allergic to/likes cats, wants to have more children, cat likes him.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Kurt said...

Lisa - you need to read the articles you link to, like your faithful followers do. Ergo the pamphlet war.

The cat likes him - he's totally in!

2:16 PM  
Blogger laura r. said...

i hope he appreciated your sense of humor & intellect.
i am glad he is jewish. i ♡ the jewish culture.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

Oh, THAT pamphlet war. OK, as long as it does not concern the subject of Jews.

Everyone else:
Thank you everyone for your support. I, too ♡the Jewish culture. And I'm not saying that just because I'm jewish.

PS: We will be going out again. He thinks I'm "intriguing and uncommon." This is a compliment, right?

5:45 PM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

Back off, 'Fuzz - don't you know that if you're jewish, you can be as anti-semitic as you want, and IT'S OK?

Really, it's all about the specific intersection of European historical consciousness, ethnic identity, and the politics of the Diaspora that both informs, and is expressed by, the concept of the "British Jewish Experience" (tm), and from which may emerge a particular dyad of perceived subjectivity - that is, being simultaneously Jewish Other AND Eurpoean Other - that is potentially attractive for the illusions of, and possibilities for, alterity it supplies to the desiring "I."

I hope this clarifies things.

11:53 PM  
Blogger Kurt said...

Did you get that from a pamphlet?

1:41 AM  

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