Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Today we returned the rental car; I accompanied my friend to her monthly "doctor's appointment," after which we each enjoyed a delicious vegetarian-style sandwich; and conducted a hopeful but ultimately disappointing search for a rumored men's "own your power" workshop flyer* allegedly posted in and around Harvard Yard. Then, we simultaneously numbed and prolonged our disappointment by unsuccessfully trying on clothes at H&M. At Filene's Basement, however, I did acquire two severely marked-down items by my favorite designer, despite the fact that one of them makes my butt look kind of lumpy.

If getting older gets me anything besides a lumpy butt, then I'll be needing this two-piece ensemble for my new job. With a new job, I will have less time but more reason to exercise - thereby reducing the lumpiness and increasing the bootyliciousness - which bootyliciousness will allow me 1) to purchase additional, better-fitting articles of clothing, and 2) to increase my chances of getting promoted. You wouldn't know it to read or look at me, but I can really work the bootyliciousness when I want to. Ask anyone.

As soon as I finish this post I will lie down and rest up after my full day, and then probably eat dinner. I'm still hoping to receive my mother's annual birthday phone call, although at this point, I'm not holding my breath.

Still, it's wonderful to be alive.

Tomorrow, I return to Brooklyn.

* I was hoping to procure this item for the sake of my new on-blog friends, EGIT and Mac Daddy, both of whom I have been hectoring (off-blog) lately about trying a little harder to own their power.


Blogger Karima said...

then I'll be needing this two-piece ensemble for my new jobรง

what is this new job of which you speak, birthday girl?

Along with the aquisition of magical good ass jeans, I also have many a skill in the training of the removal of the look of the lumpiness of said good asses. Please send specific issue details to my Internet2 email address and I can provide you ample consultation.

2:31 PM  
Blogger laura r. said...

lisa h., i didn't realize you were so young!!
magical good ass jeans, not dittos, huh?
go lisa h.!

4:32 PM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

K - Thanks you - and yes, given the size of things, I will need ample consultation. Well, what I really need is to go to the gym.

BTW - there is no new job. This is all about "what's in it for me?" - as in, what's the point of turning 36 if I have to live in penury and boredom for another year?

L - I had one pair of Dittos shorts, in powder blue. Even back then they did not compliment my already expanding good ass.

12:27 AM  
Blogger laura r. said...

lisa h., idea: collect photos of females wearing dittos.
post on a new blog...titled,
ditto ditto

9:53 AM  
Blogger Michael Cisco said...

the stars say
- go blonde for '36!

The Stars (tm)

7:20 PM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

beggars can't be choosers. - As my experience is repeatedly teaching me.

Conversely, beggars *can* drink too much. -As my experience is repeatedly teaching me.

1:11 AM  

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