Wednesday, June 01, 2005

RE: Prospective Geeks

So I'm still "not dating" (and today pondered long and hard in the shower the etymology and strange idiomatic nature of the terms "to date" and "dating" - but that's a story best left for a rainy night in front of the fire or a long walk on the beach with that certain special logophile). However, in light of recent discourse in the blogosphere, I want to clarify my intentions: I've washed my hands of dating, but that don't mean some geek shouldn't try to get his hands dirty with me.

To put my money where my mouth is, I am revealing below the two things I most fear in a prospective mate, and challenge the Readers to suggest someone suitable for me who a) embodies these qualities, and b) could actually get away with wearing this:

Geeky yarmulke

Male Orthodox Jews wear yarmulkas (or, in Hebrew, a "kippah") to show deference to God above us. Many Jews choose the specific fabric of the yarmulka to identify with specific religious or political sub-groups.

Clearly, the person who chose this design identified with an iPod, a Treo, and a PSP - none of which I own.
(courtesy of Gizmodo via Boing Boing)

BTW, Good luck - I'm not holding my breath.

PS: those of you who noticed the numerous double entendres on the first read-through, call me. But don't tell anyone, because I'm not dating.


Blogger Kurt said...

My yarmulke is a simple dark blue with silver squiggles embroidered on it. And a Google logo. Is that bad?

2:12 AM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

Is the Logo a hyperlink?

If not, then is it executed in the Official Google Color scheme ?

You might be able to 'pass' for Geeky Jew if you try really hard, but to be brutally honest, Kurt, I wouldn't push it on either front.

8:09 AM  
Blogger Kurt said...

Does "Geeky Jew" even get you anything?

9:49 PM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

"Geeky Jew" could get you someone like me, but most likely it won't. Anyway, that point is now moot, i'nnit?

11:12 PM  
Blogger laura r. said...

i love that beanie!! it is crochet.

1:52 AM  
Blogger Karima said...

The best part of that yarmulke is that it is wireless (with built-in Bluetooth). If one were to date someone with one of those, you could post on your blog from anywhere.

Lisa, Geeky Jew - they all work in technology departments in the financial district. When you are ready to "date" again let me know - I get invited to events there all of the time. Just be careful what you are ask for.

Kurt, what kind of nutjob is attracted to a Google logo. Again, be careful what you ask for.

3:27 PM  

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