The rainbow is for all God's children, Karma, as is the Blog. This includes you, Virginia, Fuzz Bandit and Jennifuzz, Laura R, Alice, our many loyal readers and sneaky lurkers, and even a few of Satan's favorite children - i.e., Kurt, Mac Daddy, and EGIT.
I like what you've done with the place. And who doesn't love rainbows and unicorns?
The unicorn was just for you.
Who the f$@#$k was the rainbow for? Why isn't your blog all about me?
The rainbow is for all God's children, Karma, as is the Blog. This includes you, Virginia, Fuzz Bandit and Jennifuzz, Laura R, Alice, our many loyal readers and sneaky lurkers, and even a few of Satan's favorite children - i.e., Kurt, Mac Daddy, and EGIT.
And for the Rainbow Family, of course.
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