Friday, August 19, 2005

"I Got Better"

Too much time in bars of late has made me a sometimes darts enthusiast. In order to get better (i.e., not have the darts taken from me by concerned bar patrons/annoyed friends), I bought a cheap board and accoutrements for home practice. As with most of my interests, I display a promising bit of "raw talent" which I am motivated to polish up, then get distracted by other things, like looking for a job, One Tree Hill, and illegal filesharing.

So, I have not lived up to my initial declaration of nightly practice followed by icepacks and a therapeutic rubdown (sadly, self-inflicted). A good excuse has been the weather, which has been unbearably uncomfortable; two fans - causing small but not insignificant changes in airspeed and flight-vector - were not even enough to make it work. I have been forced either to throw naked, or not throw at all.

Also, when you are only 1.75 inches taller than the bottom of the board and are throwing from eight-odd feet away, it's hard to be consistent when you're not practicing on a regular basis. Aim is hardly the problem: remembering how to stand so that I can get the most power out of my throw is the real issue. It's kind of like Tai Bo, but with sharp things.

This morning, after several days of non-practice, I picked up the darts for a set of random throws and look what I did:

Actual throw. No darts were manipulated or otherwise harmed in the making of this picture.

A little more practice, and maybe a few public rounds of Cricket are in my future. I notice that I seem to do better after a beer, which could be a problem.


Blogger Lisa H. said...

You wish. I officially throw down the gauntlet, EGIT!
Cricket or "I Never" - your choice.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

Do you even know what a gauntlet is?

Being short of stature (and therefore closer to the floor), you'd be surprised how many things I can successfully throw to the floor. I never miss - gravity is my friend.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Hogg said...

Lisa H.: Your post implies that you drink beer in the mornings before darts. Am I mistaken?

12:46 PM  
Blogger Lisa H. said...

Hogg: That depends on how you define "morning."

2:46 PM  
Blogger Frankkumon said...

Lisa: I distinctly recall your saying "I am" to no one there,
and no one heard at all, not even the chair.

2:46 AM  

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