I caved
Last year I taught myself to knit and, in keeping with my general under-achiever personality type, I have only finished a few projects, several of which no one would be caught dead wearing. Harnessing the amazing power of my internet-addiction in my efforts at knitting auto-didactery, I discovered the vast world of knitting blogs. They were indeed helpful, but overwhelming in scope and concept. I promised myself that if, in the unlikely event of my own personal blog, it would not be a knitting blog. Since I am a poor knitter with no real dedication to the craft, that was a good decision. But Laura R.'s general craftiness and her encouragement of same in other bloggers (and former bloggers) finally made me cave. Thus, I am presenting my most recent finished project. (Hint: it's a tea cozy.) The pattern was basic; I added the decorative flourishes myself.
I shudder to think that March is just around the corner, and soon it will be time to get out that spring sweater I didn't finish last year - the one with $120 worth of fancy italian yarn - so that I can rip it all out, start over, and have it done by the end of July, maybe.
I shudder to think that March is just around the corner, and soon it will be time to get out that spring sweater I didn't finish last year - the one with $120 worth of fancy italian yarn - so that I can rip it all out, start over, and have it done by the end of July, maybe.
I'm pretty sure the tea cozy could be easily transformed to any number of warm, sturdy, and practical garments.
I can't believe you haven't finished the sweater! So I made that trip to Italy's yarn belt for nothing?
Lisa H.!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that tea cozy!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go.
I have been knitting too!
Love it!
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