Jam or sex? You decide!
Today I made jam - apple and ginger - because I had a lot of old pulpy apples lying around and I hate wasting food. Now I have five jars, two bowls, and a small ramekin of apple-ginger jam to deal with.
I think staying indoors for 48 hour stretches is having a negative effect on me - I'm tired and lethargic all the time and I can't seem to focus. On the other hand, it could be carbon monoxide poisoning, as I have alleged to some of you in the past.
I would end this post with something cute like "Is this an impossible dream?," but unfortunately for me, it's neither impossible, nor a dream. Nor cute. And now it's completely out of context!
The jam sounds divine.
A good stress buster is walking, that would help with the 48 hour stretches of indoor time. Power walking, not strolling. While I don't know La Mancha, it doesn't sound like you are really into him, put your energy where you really want it. Wonderful charming fella sounds like a good gamble.
Keep us posted.
Thank you for your concern. In answer to your rhetorical Q's:
No I'm not out of my mind.
The narrative in question has, indeed, been embellished by the author for the sake of your entertainment and possible moral outrage.
It is only a reenactment of actual events, designed to illustrate the dangers/thrills that boredom and ennui can engender, under the right circumstances. Rest assured, "La Mancha" remains, as ever, only my kooky, somewhat oversexed, friend.
Thank The Leader you decided against this course of action!
If you are tempted by the fruit of another again, just meditate on that time (those times) we almost had sex and recall how thankful you are that we didn't.
More effective than a cold shower!
Thanks for the link, but I am unclear why Amazon would think that the buyer of Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving would want or need Orgasms for Two: The Joy of Partnersex.
They say the two books are "better together." ?
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