Thursday, March 10, 2005

Fatwah: is it canceled yet?

This weekend will be dedicated to my tax return, job application letters, and trying to figure out why God has willed that I remain poor, alone, and childless.

Also, I am hoping to catch up on missed episodes of The O.C., since it seems that God has also willed that I must work late Thursday nights.

why does this look so "Belarus, circa 1998"?


Blogger Kurt said...

Okay, he IS hot, and he looks great in a wife-beater, but he doesn't COMMUNICATE, and that's annoying.

How many misunderstandings could be cleared up on The OC if he would just say what he felt, ferchrissakes!

12:21 AM  
Blogger Karima said...

I've never watched the O.C. but this picture might convince me to add it to my Tivo list. Then I can procrastinate on my taxes by having weekends where I have to catch up on my O.C. viewing. Thank you for the need for the extension.

8:03 AM  

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