Saturday, April 02, 2005

Gone Fishin'

Since I began this blog, nearly every aspect in my life has taken a turn for the worse, or not improved, except for my sinus infection. This is all documented in my blog. Nevertheless, I think that I have only the blog to blame.

Therefore, until conditions improve, I will be decreasing most Bloygevalt-related activities, in the hope that all of the mental, emotional, and physical energy I devote to posting, searching for cool pictures, and finding ironically appropriate hyperlinks can be put to some other, "better" use - like not working on my dissertation, applying in futility for any job that will have me, and trying to figure out all of the reasons why I am, apparently, unworthy of what every other unworthy person I know seems to have. (Commenting remains a priority, however.)

I know there are others out there who feel as I do, and I hope we can find each other and stand in solidarity as, in mutual silence and anguish, we watch our lives further implode.

For all the rest of you, I'll comment as soon as you post something new.

That is all.


Blogger Kurt said...

You and I discussed this offblog, and I thought you were deluding yourself then. If your posting/commenting ratio is anything like mine, then merely ceasing posting is going to restore little time and energy to your life.

I think you (we) need to quit cold turkey and not look back. It's the only way.

1:06 PM  
Blogger Karima said...

Your posting and commenting has improved our lives though so if you quit, you will be affecting every aspect of our lives adversely. I would actually be forced to spend my days at work... working . Don't do this to us, your loyal blog readers.

9:17 AM  

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