Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Interpretation of [some recent] Dreams

1. Gossipy secretary placing small dogs about body of college Provost standing in office doorway; supposed to be cocker spaniels but are really mini dachshunds.

Boss coming back from vacation

2. Serial killings/disappearances of loved ones and others; culprit looking for me.

Morning dream (post-coital), am not in my house

3. Someone is making up words that sound like other words.

Must explain why I woke up laughing at 6:30 am

4. Driving for hours in deserted wasteland with “family,” full of dread in back seat. Keep passing same advertisement on billboard.

Funnier than word dream when I told it

5. Psychiatrist is having marital problems; we kiss, stop because it's unethical.

Headache and night sweats: PMS?

6. Am pregnant, have doll-sized girl and boy; later, they die. Insensitive coworkers keep asking about pregnancy; must relive grief over and over.

Labor Day weekend

7. Losing control of 1950's convertible on road near grandparents' house on way to press conference for world peace; Bill Clinton one of many celebrities there, looks good.

Everyone promised my work would be rewarded, no one came through


Blogger Kurt said...

Having a doll-sized girl and boy would be fun.

9:36 AM  
Blogger Ian said...

Driving with family in deserted wasteland - sometimes self-explanatory, n'est-ce pas?

2:42 PM  
Blogger Karima said...

You were giving birth to Baby Alives

9:48 PM  
Blogger Frankkumon said...

Imagine a world, Lisa, in which you actually made it to that conference on world peace. Imagine....

9:51 PM  

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