These Romanian delicacies can now be yoursMost of us are well aware that the democratizing function of the
information superhighway is totally bogus: just another ruse instituted by
the Man to increase hits on sites like
OPE and
Superhunks. Not only does the digital divide exist, it's getting wider and more divisive every day -- at least for those of us who aren't into internet porn.
For the lucky ones -- the porn-obsessed, porn-centric, and even the porn-questioning -- the so-called "world wide web" has been a godsend. The opening of new markets on internet2 and, soon, internet3 is unlike anything we've witnessed since Nixon's daring Red China venture, or the destruction of the Berlin Wall. Back then, resources no one could imagine -- such as blind Chinese orphans with impeccable stitchery skills, or legal access to the
Romanian meat industry -- were suddenly available to satisfy every Western consumer's whims, with sometimes shocking but ultimately welcome results.
Likewise, the internets have opened up new and heretofore unknown vistas in porn delivery and storage methodologies. The webcam industry is booming, skilled identity theft has sparked truly creative thinking among society's forsaken ne'er do wells, and sisters are doin' it for themselves (yeah!). Perhaps most important is the unprecedented growth of ground-breaking
niche fetishism. Capitalism at its best: this is what America is all about.
This is not that stolen collection of your dad's MILF ass mags I'm talking about. This spring break, why not stay home and
take a trip on the wild side!Tails, tails & tails
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Thanks to the great equalizing power of the internets, in-flight meals on American Airlines are finally comparable to those on Air Kazakhstan. If Marx could get a look-see at this action, he would not be rolling in his grave.