Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Can 10 years of take-out be wrong?

Obviously, for most of the last decade, I've been receiving some other sucker's lucky numbers with my meal.

But sometimes, I think whoever has been making the roast pork with broccoli (low oil, sauce on the side) at Shānyáng Pū (山羊痡) must really understand me.

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Data Suggest

Longitudinal studies conducted during the past 37 years indicate that as sexual activity declines, real and/or perceived cellulite buildup increases. These findings corroborate anecdotal evidence; the data also suggest that the number of cats one lives with corresponds negatively to estimated chances of impregnation and childbearing (when ovaries are fully functional). Similarly, feline cohabitation is the approximate inverse to the average number of random or planned sexual partners over a given 7-year period. Cohabitation is predicted to continue, with cat populations likely increasing over time.