Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Too many arms, too little time.

What would Shakti do? (WWSD?)

She wouldn't be stuck at a desk all day for most of her awake time doing marginally useful things in a "trickle down" institutional economy. Shakti would be a dynamic, self-employed artiste, hardworking and successful in her endeavors. Shakti would have long ago finished her dissertation on death as a figure for historical anxiety in eighteenth century English poetry (perhaps with input from Kali). Shakti would have no time for plagues of mice in her apartment. As an incarnation of the Divine Mother, Shakti might indeed be barefoot and pregnant (again), but with abundant time and even more reason to nag loved ones and generally act bitchy. Shakti would be an unstoppable, irresistable love mo-chine.

Maybe Shakti would be Oprah Winfrey, generously bestowing PT Cruisers on her lucky audience (except on those days when she has to unload substandard Mary Kay gift packs). Or Madonna, saving the world one or two small Malawi orphans at a time.

To wit, "Used as a noun the word 'shakti' can also mean a female consort or a weapon, depending on context." Who doesn't love a consort/weapon? Especially these days. And as far as combination appliances go, even the MicroFridge can't compare, despite its handiness for storing and preparing Hot Pockets. Shakti avoids Hot Pockets.